题目: Exploring Spin Transport in Antiferromagnetic Insulator and Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulator
时间: 2023年11月14日 10:00
地点: Exploring Spin Transport in Antiferromagnetic Insulator and Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulator
报告人: Dr. Wei Yuan

The Pennsylvania State University

腾讯会议ID:  655-404-642



The emergence of quantum phenomena has radically changed our landscape of condensed matter physics, leading to the explorations of various intriguing subjects, such as spintronics, topological insulator, superconductivity, among others. It has become significantly important to explore collaborative projects involving various quantum behaviors. These initiatives are instrumental in expanding our comprehension of fundamental physics and practical application. In the first part of my presentation, I will talk about our research about the long-distance diffusion of spin current in the canted antiferromagnetic Cr2O3 films. This particular system provides a captivating platform for the study of spin superfluid. Moving on to the second part, I will discuss our recent progress on the electrical switching of the edge states chirality in mesoscopic Hall bar devices of quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) sandwich heterostructures through the utilization of spin-orbit torque by applying a current pulse under a suitably controlled gate voltage. The QAH insulator exhibits insulating properties in its interior while allowing electrons to travel with zero resistance along one-dimensional conducting edge channels. Our findings not only advance our knowledge of the interplay between magnetism and topological states but also expedite easy and instantaneous manipulation of the QAH state in energy-efficient electronic and spintronic devices as well as quantum information applications.


Wei Yuan et al, Sci. Adv. 4, aat1098 (2018)

Wei Yuan et al, Nature Mater. doi:10.1038/s41563-023-01694-y (2023)

Brief CV of Dr. Wei Yuan:

Wei Yuan is currently serving as an assistant research professor in the group led by Prof. Cui-Zu Chang in the Department of Physics at The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Yuan obtained his Bachelor of Science degree from the Department of Physics, Jilin University in 2013. He further archived his PH. D. degree from the International Center for Quantum Materials, School of Physics, Peking University in 2018 under the mentorship of Prof. Wei Han. Following his studies, he subsequently dedicated three years to the role as a postdoctoral scholar, collaborating with Prof. Jing Shi at University of California, Riverside, before taking up his current position at Penn State in 2021. Dr. Yuan’s research interests include spin transport in magnetic insulators, spintronics in topological insulators, and topological superconductivity, etc. His dedication to these areas has been evident through his publications, some of which have graced the pages of high impact journals such as Nature Materials, Science Advances.

邀  请  人:于国强   研究员

联  系  人:傅    琦(82649469)