The 4th Conference on Physics under Synergetic Extreme Conditions held jointly with the Summer School of SECUF


Huairou, Beijing

July 14 - 20, 2025

Dear Colleagues,

  It is our great pleasure to announce that the 4th Conference on Physics under Synergetic Extreme Conditions and the accompanied Summer School of SECUF, together briefed as SECUF-2025, will be held in Beijing, China from July 14 to 20, 2025. We cordially invite you to participate in SECUF-2025.

  The SECUF series of annual conferences and summer schools was firstly launched in 2022, for promoting academic exchange and collaboration on cutting-edge research in condensed matter physics and material science under synergetic extreme conditions. It is based on a newly accomplished user facility - Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility (SECUF) which is located in Huairou, Beijing and is now opening to academic and industrial users in China and world-wide. Previously, SECUF-2022 (online), SECUF-2023 (in person) and SECUF-2024 (in person) were successfully organized, with the participation of hundreds of invited speakers and a large audience.

  SECUF-2025 consists of two parts. The first part is a Summer School, which delivers tutorial lectures on fundamental knowledge of researches under extreme physical conditions, together with the introduction of the experimental conditions available in SECUF. The second part is a Conference containing one plenary session and four parallel sessions, for exchanging newest research progresses under extreme physical conditions.

  1. SECUF-2025 Sessions

  Plenary Session: The conference on physics under synergetic extreme conditions.

  Parallel Session 1: Emergent quantum materials and phenomena under high pressure extreme conditions.

  Parallel Session 2: Physical properties under synergetic extreme conditions.

  Parallel Session 3: Quantum transport in low dimensional materials and quantum devices at ultralow temperatures.

  Parallel Session 4: Ultrafast physics and technology.

  2.Dates and Venue

Dates Venue
Summer School July 14 - 17, 2025 Campus of SECUF (Huairou, Beijing) & Swan Lake View Hotel (Huairou, Beijing)
Conference July 18 - 20, 2025 Swan Lake View Hotel (Huairou, Beijing)

  Detailed program will be updated on the website


  There is no registration fee.

  For the Summer School: SECUF will provide accommodation and meals for 120 participants. Participants are responsible for covering the travel expenses by themselves. Please log onto the website to register before June 30, 2025.

  For the Conference: SECUF will provide meals for the participants. The costs of travel and accommodation need to be covered by the participants themselves. Please log onto the website to register and reserve hotel room before July 5, 2025.

  If you have questions or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us (Phone: +86-10-81259001; Email:

  We are looking forward to seeing you in Huairou, Beijing. Let's make unforgettable memories together!

Sincerely yours,

SECUF-2025 Organization Committee